Use Cases for Creating Quizzes from PDFs | PDFQuiz

Different Use Cases for making Quizzes out of PDFs

Students - making learning more fun
Upload your study notes in PDF (or images using the pro plan) and generate quizzes to test your knowledge. Keep taking them until you get a satisfying score.
Recruiters - check candidates' knowledge
Take documents from the company's knowledge base and create quick quizzes for the potential candidates. See how they fit into your company knowledge-wise.
Teachers - automatically create assessments
Use AI to quickly create tests for your students based on your teaching materials. Save time and engage with students in a more modern way.
Compliance Officers - check employees' knowledge of company's procedures
Make sure your employees know and follow your internal procedures so everybody stays safe and productive. Generate a quiz in one click, share an invite link, and wait for the results.
Employers - train and test your workers
Wonder how much about a particular subject your employees know? Take documents from a knowledge base and give them a quick and satisfying quiz!
Trainers - certifications
Test trainees' knowledge before handing out a certificate. Quick and easy way to handle multiple participants.
Business owners - customer education
Want your customers to know more about your product/service? Send them a pleasant and quick quiz based on your internal documentation.
Sales managers - train and verify sales specialists
Managing a team of salespeople? Make sure everybody is on the same page with a regular and quick knowledge quiz. Let them share the results and make a fun scoreboard!
Learning a new language
Tired of boring ways to learn a new language? Read a few pages from a book and generate a quiz - see how much you understood.
Safety Manager - ensure compliance
Be sure your whole team knows the ins and outs of your safety procedures. Retrain the employees who got a bad score.