Question Generator

Upload a PDF and generate questions using Artificial Intelligence

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Best Question Maker from PDF

Use PDFQuiz to generate unlimited questions from PDF documents using AI! Whether you want to study or quiz somebody - our question generator is an ideal online solution for generating quality questions using the latest AI GPT models. Sign up for free to test how many interesting questions you can get from your materials.

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Questions AI Generator

Questions Generator using AI

Generate high quality questions from any content in pdf format you upload. Choose 50 or 100 questions and see how well you can answer them. Choose the difficulty level, language, AI model and generate a/b/c/d or open questions any time you want with our Pro plan.

Why is our questions generator so useful?

Writing questions and sample answers on your own is extremely time consuming. Use our latest AI models to generate questions automatically with just one click.
Have fun with interactive questions
Our interface lets you answer the questions you generate and test yourself or others
ai question maker

Online Questions Creator

AI Powered Question Maker

PDFQuiz is the best question maker on the market. We always use the latest available AI GPT models to analyze your content and generate the most interesting and intelligent questions. The AI technology is so good nowadays that it would be really hard to generate better questions by hand yourself.

  • Gamification: automatically generating, sharing and answering questions can be really fun, especially with your colleagues and friends.
  • Studying: Using a generator for your study questions can be extremely gratifying. One click and you have a mock exam!
  • Job: Generate questions for your employees and see how well they know your procedures or internal documents.
  • Recruitment: Use the materials you sent the candidates to generate questions and see how well they do!

What kind of questions can you generate?

PDFQuiz lets you choose what types of questions you want your quiz to have.

  • MCQs

    Multiple choice questions - a/b/c/d with one correct answer.s

  • Open questions

    Essay type open questions where user can type any response.

  • Multiple choice

    Multiple choice a/b/c/d questions with more than one correct answer.

Who is our question generator aimed at?

Who is the question maker for?

Questions for students
Students can generate questions from the study notes using our AI generator.
Questions for teachers
Teachers can make practice and final exams using our online questions creator.
Businesses can use PDFQuiz to generate questions for employees and job candidates.

Latest AI Questions Gen

Generating Questions has never been easier

Creating questions from any given text has never been so far. With the use of the latest AI models, it is now possible to upload any document, have it analyzed by the algorythm and have any amount of questions created.

PDFQuiz has a lot of additional features. You can cenerate closed, multiple choice and open questions. You can have the AI score both a/b/c/d and essay answers automatically. You can define how difficult the questions should be.

Generate random questions and test your knowledge of a topic. Answer the quiz questions, let the AI score and see how well you did. Add a timer to your questions to put a little bit more pressure and imitate a real exam.